At last we come to the final quarterly check in for the year. Only to be superseded with tomorrow's new resolutions list. First, a reminder of previous progress:
1st quarter check-in
2nd quarter check-in
3rd quarter check-in
5 copies of another artist's painting
I didn't do a solitary copy this year. I have some great originals to copy, but studio time feels just too darn precious to give up to work that is not original. I'm not too happy with that attitude, and I know that I'll definitely carry over this goal next year.
60 9 X 12 or smaller paintings
100 of 60 completed
Nailed it! :) So that's minimum bar for next year set.
11 12 X 12 or bigger paintings
17 of 12 completed
Nailed it! :) Given that I have a solo show set for July, that's minimum bar for next year too.
80 sketchbook pages
90 of 80 completed
Squeaked on by.
10 pieces of jewelry
12 of 10 completed
Squeaked on by. I hope there'll be more done on this next year-- I posted two already, expect to see a few more pop on the blog in the next few months.
200 blog posts
177 of 200 completed